Top Dog Trainer

in Minnesota

Anna Brand

I have loved dogs my whole life, as most of us do! I have been helping dogs with fear, reactivity, aggression, and bite histories for over six years. I attended and graduated as a Professional Dog Trainer and Behaviorist from Starmark Academy in Texas in the fall of 2022. I continue learning as much as possible via books, seminars, other trainers, online courses, and experiences.

Helping build dogs’ confidence, and seeing them come out of their shell, as well as teaching owners how to make their dogs more comfortable, and handle behavior and obedience problems is what I love most.

Dogs are so fascinating, each one I work with teaches me something new and challenges me to think differently daily. Each dog is an individual and may require different approaches to training than what has worked with other dogs.

My Training Style

I believe in using whatever training tactics work best for each client and dog. Each dog and owner will require a different approach, and I believe it’s important to talk with the owner and do what we both think is best for their dog. I believe in using science-based training using all four quadrants of Operant Conditioning!

Positive - adding a stimulus

Negative - removing a stimulus

Punishment - done to decrease the odds of a behavior occurring

Reinforcement - done to increase the odds of a behavior

We use all four quadrants of Operant Conditioning!

Poncho - My Dog

Poncho is a special boy. He was found wandering the streets of southern Texas. When I met him, he was overly energetic, excitable, and unable to control himself. Through lots of training, he has improved a lot. He is a high-energy dog, who needs stimulation and exercise every day or he could easily have behavior issues. Finding new activities to enjoy with him is so fun! He has taught me a lot, and helped me become a better trainer. He is almost two years old now and loves food, playing tug, being outside, and over everything else, a tennis ball!

Pet First Aid and CPR Certified!